Dear Friends ,
I publish the following dream interpretaion exercises I conducted with the members in
which  they  also interpret their  own dreams using some  elements of my analysis. There is a dialogue  as a result of which interpretaions arrived at  appear to be quite satisfactory and a new insight about how to live is gained. There may be others who may want do something similar. These are the rules:

A. You can send your dreams privately(subas@pc.jaring.my) and if you want you can use a pseudoname. However basic personal details like sex age marital status etc if provided will help.

B. The interpretation will be send to you privately and you  must enter into a discussion etc till
we work out  together the right interpretation

C.If necessary the whole exercise, like the present one will be published in the internet
withholding the personal identity, of course and that too only if permission is granted.


1. Dream 1: The Bull

2. Dream 2: The Smoke

3.Dream 3: Health

4.Dream 4: The Dog

5.Dream 5: The Toilet

6.Dream 6: Sports & Fire Walking

7. Dream 7: The Purple Cloth

8. Dream 8: Promotion

9.Dream 9: Aches

10.Dream10: Car sales

11. Dream11: Missing the Bus

12. Dream12:  Love Failure
13: Dream 13: Weird Face

14.Dream 14: House Cleansing