Hermeneutics and Metaphysics

Essays by Dr K.Loganathan

1. Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1-5

[ 1. Phenomenlogy and Pedagogic Hermeneutics; 2. Disconstruction and Personal Development; 3. Genealogy and Teleology; 4. The Textuality of Understanding and the Primordiality of Seeing (or Darsana); 5. Texualtiy and Intentionality ]

2. Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 6-10

[ 6. The World as TEXT; 7. Violance and Metaphysics; 8. BEING and Concealment; 9.  Love and Overcoming Concealment; 10. The Metaphysics of Sexuality]

3.Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 11-15

[ 11. The Metaphysics of Creativity; 12. Noting the presence of BEING; 13.
How do  I come to know BEING is, that God is?; 14. Being with BEING; 15. I am This and That and This ...: The "tat twam asi" ]

4.Hermeneutic and Metaphysics 16-20

[ 16. Disconstructing Tat Twam Asi; 17.  Vedanta -- Metaphysics of Avoidance; 18. The
Viddhantic and Siddhantic; 19. Thinking and Religious Life; 20. The Limits of Reason]

5. Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 21-25

[ 21. The geneology of religious Fanaticism; 22. Mukti and Immortality; 23. Fascism
and fear as Its Solution; 24. False Asceticism and Human Destructiveness; 25.
Understanding Family Life]

6.Hermeneutics and Metaphysics  26-30

[26. Sivayoga and Overcoming Sexual Morbidity; 27. AruNandi's Disconstruction of
Materialism- 1;  28. AruNandi's Disconstruction of Materialism- 2; 29. AruNandi's
Disconstruction of Materialism- 3; 30. AruNandi's Disconstruction of Materialism -4]

7.Hermenutics and Metaphysics 31-35

[ 31. Cutarsan and the Destruction of  Ego-inflation; 32. IraavaNaa -- He Who Transgresses Ethics;  33. On Disconstructing Marxism; 34.  AruNandi on Karma and Feelings;  35. The Natural is Pedagogic ]

8. Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 36-40

[ 36. The Truth of the Soul; 37. Atman is NOT Brahman; 38 Death Rebirth and Personal Identity; 39. Why the Materialists  (or Marxists) will Never Understand Metaphysics; 40. Karma Dharma and their Sumero-Dravidian Origins]

9. Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 41-45

[ 41. Karma and living Dharma-1; 42. Karma and living Dharma-2; 43. Karma and living Dharma-3; 44: Sexuality Asceticism and Sprituality; 45. The Alchemical Transmutation of Self]

10. Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 46-50

[46. Flux Flow Change and Dance; 47. The Spirit and Orderliness in Nature; 48 The Word Magic of the Sumerians -1; 49. The Word Magic of the Sumerians -2]